ãµã˜ã‚ら ã®ã‚‚ã“ㆠ|
League of Legends Experience
1 year
Approximate Skill Level
Preferred Role
Preferred Game Length
Efficient games
Ranked Tier
If my team loses a teamfight badly
I want to remain defensive until we win some fights
I buy wards
in most of my games
I gravitate towards
Steady gold and item building
I get annoyed in pub games
A smart farmer will
generally lose the game to someone focused on aggression
follow a plan even if I'll die
Farm and gold is
important, but secondary
I try to get a kill lead
early game
Tower pushing is
extremely important to me
Game knowledge is fairly high, mechanics are poor. I understand the majority of matchups for every lane. I'm mostly an objective focused player.
Favorite Heroes
ãµã˜ã‚ら ã®ã‚‚ã“ã†'s Friends
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